Brandon Eleuterio

Category: Articles

Learning Rust – Part 4: Drawing a Sphere

Red sphere

In the last post, we drew a blue and white blended rectangle. In this post, we’re continuing our focus on foundational steps by adding a sphere to that rectangle. A Sphere! Admittedly, it sort of resembles the flag of Japan, but it’s actually great progress. Drawing a single object with our ray tracer demonstrates how […]

Learning Rust – Part 3: Rays, Camera, Background

Blue and White Rectangle

In Part 1, I created my first image – a rainbow square. Part 2, involved refactoring code and creating a new struct for handling colors, vectors, and points. In Part 3 I start using some algebra and actually build the ray tracer. The magic of 3D Rays are lines defined with a starting point, a […]

Learning Rust – Part 2: Refactoring Into a Struct

RGB Image

In Part 1 of this Learning Rust series, I wrote code to create a rainbow square. Now it’s time to refactor and hope the rainbow square is still there. What and Why Refactoring is a sort of reorganizing we coders do periodically to make our work easier to read and use. It’s like keeping your […]

Learning Rust – Part 1: Output an Image

RGB Image

I recently started digging into Rust, a systems-level programming language that is similar to C++, but safer and easier to use. It’s been a while since I’ve used a systems-level language like C++ (maybe 20 years?). I remember struggling my way through a C++ class at Virginia Tech in which we had to write a […]

Digital Privacy Part 3: Easy Wins


Part 1: Why Be More Private? Part 2: Surfing the Web Digital privacy means selectively giving out personal information. Many of us give away or allow others to easily take too much of our personal information. Whether it’s usernames, emails, addresses, birthdays, or favorite colors, this information can all be used against us in the […]

Digital Privacy Part 2: Surfing the Web

Junior Mints

Part 1: Why be more private? Part 2: Surfing the Web Part 3: Easy Wins The internet is kind of an old technology now. When I was a kid in the 1980s, TV had only been in widespread use since the 1950s. The internet gained popularity in the 1990s and here we are 3 decades […]

Digital Privacy Part 1: Why be More Private?

Part 1: Why be More Private? Part 2: Surfing the Web Part 3: Easy Wins This is the first in what I hope to be a series of posts on digital privacy. I’m embarking on a journey of exploration to uncover what privacy is, why privacy is important, and how one can increase their own […]

Why Change Email Addresses?

My primary email address starts with my full name and ends with “”  Hotmail started in 1996 and was phased out by 2011.  That gives you some idea of how long I haven’t really cared about my email address.I’ve had passing thoughts about changing it, but the task seemed too great.  I’d have to notify […]

Measuring Progress Over the Long Term

long run

As I’ve aged, I’ve come to realize fitness is a life-long journey. Like saving for retirement, you build fitness by making small, consistent, low-risk deposits over the course of many years. Trying to kill yourself on the trail (or in the gym or at the office) day-in and day-out is a high-risk, short-sighted endeavor that […]

Buying Phones and Cars

2016 Kia Sedona

I don’t like to shop. Whether I’m wandering through physical stores or aimlessly scrolling through Amazon until my impulses take over, neither is my idea of fun. My ideal 4-step shopping experience: I realize I need more socks. I identify my favorite pair of socks. I go to Amazon and find the last time I […]

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